There is no way that you can have missed that the Big Tasty is back in McDonald’s but with a twist this time not just one Big Tasty but three different variations.
I absolutely love the Big Tasty in fact the most popular page on this website is a Big Tasty sauce recipe and so the obvious choice would be to go for old faithful however Big Tasty is back and this time with a barbecue alternative.

I won’t lie I was hesitant in ordering the BBQ Big Tasty because I already knew that the main draw of the Big Tasty is the dishes sauce, without it the burger could very easily be a very large and dry hamburger and unfortunately that very much appeared to be the case when I first opened the box containing the burger.

I was initially aghast at how dry the burger looked and how little source there was also how small the fried onions portion was that really should have been much larger considering that was the element that differentiated this variation from the other two big tasties.
Yes there is a little lettuce and the interesting McDonald’s interpretation of streaky bacon, but neither of these appeared to offer much moisture either.
The barbecue sauce was very clearly the same barbecue sauce available in the pots they would usually dip your frozen in so very quickly this £6 burger appeared quite expensive considering it was just a very large bun for very large flat burger the omega portion of onions and some pretty basic barbecue sauce.

While not the most exciting of burgers and certainly not one I would try again it was still very large in calories for a relatively low price. In my opinion if you want a Big Tasty, buy the real thing. It’s delicious. This is not really.